Dubuque’s Only


Direct Mail


2270 Twin Valley Dr Dubuque, Ia. 52003




Although MSU’s history starts with our founding in 2003, our experience in providing bulk mail service to Dubuque area businesses goes back nearly 3 decades.


Mail Services Unlimited, Inc. was founded February 3, 2003 by David Hickson and Lori Kelchen, both long-time employees of the former Wm. C. Brown Publishing Company. As mail evolved through the Wm. C. Brown years, Lori and David recognized the financial impact mailing costs were having on businesses and the relief automation mail offered. As their department transitioned to a fully automated mail-shop they began to offer their service to other area businesses and became the Dubuque’s first automation-based lettershop. Over the years and through the acquisition of WCB by McGraw-Hill, their ‘bulkmail’ department provided continuous mailing service to several area businesses.


When McGraw-Hill Publishing down-sized in early 2003, Lori and David decided to open MSU keeping their staff mostly intact. With the dedication of that staff and a little help from friends and family, McGraw-Hill’s Bulkmail Service closed on Friday January 31, 2003 and MSU opened their doors at 7:30 am Monday February 3, 2003 without any interruption in service. Thanks to the loyalty of their customers and the hard work of their staff MSU was an instant success.


In mid-2004 MSU acquired Mailing Specialists when the owners decided to pursue other interests. By the fall of the same year the decision was made to replace the ink-jet address printer with a faster more versatile unit. Shortly thereafter a second envelope inserter was added. Between 2004 and 2006 MSU more than doubled their mail volume and it became necessary to add another complete ink-jet system and two employees.


The spring of 2007 again brought new opportunity when MSU acquired the Dubuque Mail Center from it’s Cedar Rapids owner adding dozens of new daily-mail customers. With this acquisition the need to replace their Multi-line OCR sorter was evident. The new MLOCR was installed in September expanding MSU’s capacity even more.


2008 marks our 5th year in business and MSU stands ready to provide our customers, old and new, with quality service far into the future.